Sunday, November 22, 2009

Five Senses

Today I was looking over my favorites on Flickr and I ran across this video I hadn't seen for a while. It washed over me like a cool summer breeze. And I got to thinking about how its own music. Music may very well be "the universal language," but all five of our senses are singing beautiful symphonies every day, if we just listen...

~ the sound of the rain or a thunderstorm

~ the smell of the air after a thunderstorm

~ the sounds and smells of the ocean

~ the colors of any sunrise or sunset

~ the way the brisk autumn air smells and how it feels on my skin

~ the warmth of a thick cotton cable sweater in the autumn

~ the sound of fallen leaves crackling under my feet

~ the colors of the leaves in Carthage, MO in the autumn

~ the sight of the first really fluffy big-flaked snowfall

~ the way my partner's skin feels and smells, and the beauty of her soft curves

~ the look on my son's face when he's truly happy

~ the sound of my mother's laughter

~ the silky soft fur of my kitten and the sound of her purr

~ the smell of really good coffee first thing in the morning

~ the softness of flannel sheets and fuzzy blankets

~ the smell of clean laundry

~ the way really good food, can affect all five senses

~ the caress of a spring breeze on my skin and through my hair

~ the fragrance of grape irises and carnations

~ windchimes and birds chirping

~ crickets late at night

~ a pitch black sky full of stars

~ putting on warm clothes fresh out of the dryer on a cold day

I don't ever want to forget to notice these things. often something so very simple.

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